Growing a Community For High-End Freelancers

When we partnered with Gyde, we encountered a significant challenge: their growth rate in freelancer sign-ups was stagnating.

4.16 x
Organic Traffic Over a Year
192 %
Increase in Conversions
375 %
Ranking Organic Keywords

The Challenge

When we partnered with Gyde, we encountered a significant challenge: their growth rate in freelancer sign-ups was stagnating. Despite offering a valuable service, Gyde struggled to attract freelancers to their network. Additionally, Gyde needed funding to scale their operations and further develop their platform.Without a steady influx of freelancers and adequate financial resources, their growth prospects remained limited.

The Opportunity

Recognizing the potential of Gyde’s platform and the demand for freelance talent, there existed a compelling opportunity to revamp their approach. With the right strategies and tools, Gyde could tap into a vast pool of freelancers and position themselves as a go-to platform for businesses seeking talent.Moreover, securing funding was within reach by demonstrating tangible growth and enhancing their platform’s value proposition.

Low Quality & Limited Scalability
Billed Per Project & Request
Time Consuming Emails & Phone Calls
Expensive Hourly Rates & Hidden Fees
Pesky Proposals And Contracts
... That's Where I Come In

The Solution

To address Gyde’s challenges, we embarked on a comprehensive solution leveraging Webflow and Memberstack. First and foremost, we implemented a robust SEO strategy, identifying relevant keywords and building high-quality backlinks to enhance Gyde’s visibility in search engine results.

By optimizing their online presence, Gyde could attract organic traffic and increase awareness among freelancers seeking opportunities.Simultaneously, we focused on improving Gyde’s platform through Webflow’s intuitive design capabilities.

By enhancing the user interface and experience, we aimed to create a seamless and engaging environment for both freelancers and businesses. Leveraging Memberstack, we integrated membership functionalities, streamlining the onboarding process for freelancers while enabling businesses to easily access top talent.

The Results

The implementation of these strategies yielded remarkable results for Gyde. With an enhanced online presence and improved platform usability, Gyde experienced a surge in both freelancer sign-ups and job postings. The SEO efforts led to a significant increase in organic traffic, amplifying Gyde’s reach and attracting a diverse pool of freelancers.

As a direct consequence of these improvements, Gyde successfully secured funding to fuel their expansion plans. With a thriving community of freelancers and a growing number of businesses utilizing their platform, Gyde solidified its position as a leading destination for freelance talent. The transformation not only propelled Gyde towards sustainable growth but also established them as a key player in the freelance industry.

Me vs. The Competition

Say goodbye to the hassle of hiring creatives for your business. Embrace on-demand SEO & development as a subscription.

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Low Commitment
Tasks + Revision
Top Level Developer
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Pricing structure
Josh Tucker
48 hrs
Fixed Monthly
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Fiverr like
Get what you pay for
Weeks + Training
Weeks +
Weeks - Months
High with surprises

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Say goodbye to the hassle of hiring creatives for your business. Embrace on-demand SEO & development as a subscription.